
Friday, December 6, 2013

Ashley's Festive Bowtie Pasta

It's that time of year again - the post-thanksgiving-pre-winter-break slump. It is the time of year when snow really should stop procrastinating its act, when CVS starts thinking it's okay to play only Christmas songs, when people start hoping for donuts at the sci li, and when most of our stomachs are still recovering from pounds of roast poultry, potatoes, pie, and more pie.

Fortunately, the Ratty has just the antidote. A hearty thanks to Ashley So for sharing her elegant pasta recipe - delicately balanced with the tartness of tomatoes and feta against savory morsels of hot dog a la refectorie de sharpe, and drizzled in heart healthy basil infused extra virgin olive oil, this dish is light, fresh, and sure to delight.

Ashley's Festive Bowtie Pasta
bowtie pasta
parmesan cheese
feta cheese
cherry tomatoes
sliced hotdog
lots of basil infused extra virgin olive oil
dash of salt and pepper

Mix cheese, tomatoes, and hotdog with pasta. Drizzle generously with olive oil; add salt and pepper to taste.