
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Caprese" Mixed Greens Salad

Technically not a traditional "caprese" since there was no fresh basil at the Ratty, but I think mozzarella and grape tomatoes are delicious together just by themselves. The mixed greens were especially fresh today, and tossed with creamy mozzarella, salty olives, tangy tomatoes, and a hint of fruity raspberry vinaigrette, this salad is light and delicious.

To make vegan, substitute tofu cubes for mozzarella and leave out the prosciutto.

"Caprese" Mixed Greens Salad

plateful of mixed greens
dash of raspberry vinaigrette
slightly smaller dash of balsamic vinaigrette
light drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
4-6 mozzarella balls
7-9 grape tomatoes
4-6 olives

1. Pile mixed greens on plate. Add dash of raspberry vinaigrette, balsamic vinaigrette, and olive oil.
2. Slice mozzarella balls, grape tomatoes, and olives in half and arrange over salad. If you like prosciutto see the recipe below for the prosciutto toppers. If you're not a fan of prosciutto or want to keep this vegetarian, skip the toppers and enjoy as is.

Prosciutto Toppers
1 mozzarella ball
1 grape tomato
1-2 slices prosciutto
2 toothpicks

Slice mozzarella ball and grape tomato in half. Cut a 1 inch wide strip of prosciutto. Place mozzarella and cherry tomato (cut ends together), wrap in prosciutto, and secure with a toothpick. Place on top of your salad and enjoy!