
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Turkey Olive Muenster Sandwich

It's hard to decide who's really the star of this flavor combo--the fruity olives bursting with juice, the creamy Muenster with its rich Muenster-y taste, or the chewy tangy dried cranberries (which I sadly didn't get a shot of in this picture. I hope they don't mind).

Turkey Olive Muenster Sandwich
2 slices whole wheat bread
small squirt of mayo (1 tsp)
slightly bigger squirt of mustard (1 Tbsp)
1 slice Muenster cheese
2-3 leaves of crisp Romaine lettuce
3-4 olives, sliced
2-3 slices tomato
2 slices turkey
5-6 dried cranberries

1. Spread mustard and mayo on one slice (okay if they blend).
2. Layer rest of ingredients: turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, cranberries, Muenster, and other slice of bread. Do this loosely.
3. Savor.

(Something that I wasn't aware of until recently is that olives are really moisture-laden. If your sandwich ever feels saw-dusty or dry, try dispersing some olives in the filling and I guarantee you will no longer have a hard time swallowing.)