
Friday, September 10, 2010

Broccoli Tuna Melt Salad

This hot/cold salad was inspired by Meeting St's gigantic Broccoli Tuna Melt sandwich. I never manage to eat those sandwiches properly anyway, so this "deconstructed" version of the sandwich lets you mix everything together and eat with a fork, like a salad.

Broccoli Tuna Melt Salad

2-3 lettuce leaves
3 slices tomato
1 scoop tuna salad
5-6 broccoli florets
6-7 mushroom slices
1/4 cup shredded cheese
3 onion rings
1 slice thick honey wheat bread

1. Arrange lettuce and tuna salad on a plate. Cut tomato slices in half and arrange around tuna salad.
2. Microwave broccoli and mushroom on a plate with 1 Tbsp basil infused olive oil and 1 Tbsp water (2 min, cover with another plate, on high).
3. Sprinkle cheese over cooked broccoli and microwave another 30 seconds or until melted.
4. Arrange broccoli/mushroom/cheese mixture over tuna salad.
5. Slice onion rings in half and cube the bread into 6-7 "croutons." Arrange over top and enjoy.