
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Savory Waffle Sandwiches

While these were good, during the time it takes to split the waffle open and make the sandwich, the waffle crust goes from satisfyingly crispy to disappointingly soggy. Still, the flavors were pretty good, and it's worth a try if you are a waffle fan. The good news is we have a secret genius idea for maintaining the crispy crust of a waffle sandwich...stay tuned!

Savory Waffle Sandwiches
1/2 spoonful of waffle batter
1 lettuce
1/4 cup tuna salad
1 slice swiss cheese
1/4 cup garbanzo bean salad (pre-made at the V-dub...plain garbanzo beans with some dressing and roasted red peppers work too)

1. Pour waffle batter into half of the waffle iron.
2. Make waffle.
3. Cut in half, and split each half into two without burning off fingers.
4. Fill with fillings.