This one wins the award for the longest title with the simplest composition. Butterscotch pudding is so indulgent on its own that it inspired us to be extra bad and finish it off with the classic Ratty indulgence, vanilla soft seve. And what's a sinful dessert without some chocolate? Oreos and sprinkles (albeit waxy tasteless ones) to be exact. 'Ello my sweet.
Vanilla Soft Serve with Butterscotch Pudding and Oreo Pieces
1 cup butterscotch pudding
1 hearty dose of vanilla soft serve
sprinkling of chocolate sprinkles
oreo-ling of oreos
1. Get the pudding.
2. Swirl the vanilla soft serve on top.
3. Garnish with chocolate sprinkles and oreos.
4. Indulge.