What's the difference between regular ol' grilled chicken and Gourmet Grilled Chicken? The secret is in the Mushroom Sauce. There might be a few secrets in the grilling too, but for those of us who aren't in charge of the grilling, we can still make a hot buttery sauce to dress up our bird.
With some white space on the plate and a healthy dose of imagination, you might just trick yourself into thinking you're dining at l'refectorie Sharpe.
Cilantro Grilled Chicken with Apple Butter Mushrooms
1 large piece of roasted sweet potato
broccoli rabe
1 Cilantro Grilled Chicken breast
Apple Butter Mushrooms (see recipe below)
Scrape out the flesh of the sweet potato and mash with a fork. Discard the skin. Place mashed sweet potato on plate, then top with broccoli rabe and grilled chicken. Finish with a spoonful or two of Apple Butter Mushrooms.
Apple Butter Mushrooms
1/4 cup apple juice
2 butter packets (1 Tbps)
5-6 mushroom slices
pinch salt
Put all ingredients in a bowl and microwave for 1 minute or until butter melts and mushrooms are cooked.