Monday, March 21, 2011
Festive Cajun Chicken Pasta

This dish was put together in a matter of minutes using the Ratty's spicy Tastes of the World Cajun chicken pasta, tater tots, corn salad, steamed peas, white beans from the salad bar, and mixed greens. The spicy pasta sauce provides a nice flavor contrast to the salty crunch tater tots and sweet corn and peas. As a cheesy Food Network host would say, "It's a flavor party in your mouth!"
Festive Cajun Chicken Pasta
1 serving of Tastes of the World Cajun Chicken Pasta (or any pasta with spicy sauce)
1/4 cup steamed green peas
1/4 cup corn salad
1 Tbsp white beans
4 tater tots, broken in half
mixed salad greens for garnish
1. Mix in with the pasta the peas, corn, beans, and tater tots.
2. Garnish with greens and enjoy!